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Organic Carrots

Organic Food 

Why Organic?

Burdekin River has always chosen to operate organically, choosing inputs that are good for the environment, animals and people.  


In 2018, we became a certified organic producer to recognise our commitment of providing a safe, healthy meat product to our consumers.

We have observed that animals are in tune with the environment and select elemental nutrition (grasses, legumes and forbes etc.) to balance their nutritional needs. We notice these habits on a day-to-day basis and observe different selection of nutritional elements (for example, when we change paddocks and different requirements at different times in their reproductive cycles).


Organic food is important for several reasons, which encompass environmental, health, and ethical aspects.


Environmental Benefits: Organic farming practices contribute to a healthier environment by avoiding the use of synthetic chemicals, such as pesticides, herbicides, and fertilisers. This reduces chemical runoff and pollution, which can contaminate water sources and harm ecosystems. Organic agriculture also encourages biodiversity, soil conservation, and sustainable farming techniques, which can improve soil fertility and overall land quality.


Health Benefits: Organic food often contains higher levels of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which contribute to overall well-being. Additionally, by avoiding synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides, organic food reduces exposure to potentially harmful chemicals. Organic meat and dairy products tend to have a more favourable fatty acid profile, with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which play important roles in maintaining heart health, brain function, and inflammation regulation.


Ethical Considerations: Organic farming standards prioritise animal welfare, ensuring that livestock are raised in humane conditions with access to fresh air, sunlight, and the ability to exhibit natural behaviours. Organic livestock are fed a natural, pesticide-free diet, which contributes to their overall health and well-being. By adhering to these standards, organic farming minimises stress in animals and reduces the need for antibiotics, ultimately resulting in healthier, ethically-raised animals.


Supporting Local Economies: Organic agriculture often fosters a stronger connection between consumers and their food sources, encouraging people to buy locally produced items. This support for local economies not only helps create jobs and maintain farmland but also promotes fresher, more nutritious food by reducing the time between harvest and consumption.


By choosing organic food, you are supporting a more environmentally friendly, ethical, and health-conscious food system, which benefits not only individual well-being but also the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants.

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